Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Ignored, Millions Died

 Dr. Zelenko lost a lung to a rare type of cancer usually discovered during autopsies.

He died in June 2022  fighting to save lives, attacked by envious doctors, politicians, the FDA, BARDA, NIH, BIG PHARMA, corrupt mainstream media, and so on

If you keep the DNA closed, how will viruses get genetic material ?… How will cancerous cells divide? Think!

If you’re Ph.D. From Oxford and you are corrupt you can skip the rest. For decent people…

TheThe same principle applies to fighting cancer:Keep the DNA CLOSED .

The Zinc works even if the caner is spreading but no case is the same

The cure for cancer is here :


Dr.Zelenko was right, his protocol works and is better than any dang e roux experiment Al vaccine available.REJECT THOSE VACCINES!


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