
Showing posts from August, 2009

The luxury of eating on a hot plate at home

HotSmart brings the luxury of eating on a hot plate at home in the simplest most convenient way possible; they really work 30 min. hot Guaranteed. Handle them safely with your bare hands by the rim which stays cool. For more information: To order: (look at the small icons below the image) How to keep food hot at the table

Hot Smart Plates in France?

Sold only through How to use "Hot Smart" plates in france ( Hot S marts store heat to keep food warm)? Facile: Vous les prechauffez pour juste une minute dans un four a micro-ondes. Elles restent chauds (encore chaud ensuite) pendant 30 minutes. Vous pouvez les manipuler avec vos mains nues par la jante qui reste fraiche. Ayez une action de retarder pour eviter de surchauffer la nourriture, elles arrivent a la temterature maximale 5 a 8 minutes APRES la prise de elles hors du four a micro-ondes.Voila!Bon apetit (Bueno, por ahi va) The French will love the "Slow food plates" too! Haute Cuisine is enjoyed slowly. (Sorry for the french without accents, etc.). Juan Hot S mart

Hot Smart not just a name for a hi-tec plate

Hot Smart ; not only a name or a "cool" way of calling a "boring" ceramic plate to differentiate it from other "boring" ceramic plates; our brand Hot S mart is well justified, let me explain: Hot It gets real hot with just one minute preheating in a full size microwave oven to keep your food warm for you to enjoy slowly (That was simple and obvious right?) S mart This is the best part I believe: The plate reaches maximum temperature 5 to 8 minutes after taking it out of the Microwave oven (Preheated regular plates are normally cool within 5 minutes); this means that Hot, Smart oops! Hot S mart plates are hottest when the others are already cold (Check this next time you go to a restaurant) The rim of Hot, Smart Hot S mart plates stays cool for safe handling with the bare hands (Isn't that smart? Actually some people do not believe it and some Engineers say that is impossible) Hot and Smart Hot S mart plates remain hot for 30 minutes (Yes

Eating slowly equals eating less

Experiment : 30 women Eating quickly 646 calories consumed Eating slowly 579 calories consumed 646/579= 1.11 ( 11% more calories consumed when eating quickly); read details in link below: It is kind of funny, in real life If I eat quickly I usually ask for "a little bit more" and I am served 50 t0 70 % more food (At my mother's house I was served 80 to 100% more) and guess what? once the food was on the plate it disappeared. We are simply not trained to eat slowly or to leave food on the plate. HotSmart plates for eating slowly -- Posted By Juan J. Ramirez to Hotsmart and Eating Slowly at 8/02/2009 12:51:00 PM