1,013,019 DEATHS 04/12/22 and all because our corrupt institutions!

UPDATE: 1,100,000 American Deaths so far and counting plus ...

Some mysterious sudden deaths nobody is investigating 

WHO IS WORKING ON THIS? The Biden Administration? I  doubt it 


I decided to write this second part because we recently reached 1,000,000 deaths in the USA, and MILLIONS more all over the world, The FDA (Food and Drug Administration)  along with the FSMB  (Federation of State Medical Boards) rule in the USA but also has a great influence all over the world; Doctors and governments all over the world assume that the information coming out from the FDA is the latest and most advanced information. How wrong they are, the FDA is corrupt and what is worse, it is corrupt by design, they (big pharma) fund the very institution that regulates them. I should say: that is supposed to regulate them.

This arrangement between the party regulated and the regulator creates a huge conflict of interest, to the point that now the FDA hides information from the public, lies, spreads disinformation (while pretending to combat misinformation), and even blocks effective, inexpensive treatments for the benefit of, or to favor the big pharma business (the vaccine cartel). That is the explanation for the one million deaths. The Zelenko Protocol has been available since the very beginning, on March 21, 2020 (Yes, 2020). President Trump gave the order to use it, "To flood the streets" but the cunning BARDA 

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority

 and the FDA while pretending to obey, drafted a EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) that in the practice defeated the purpose of the treatment. The Zelenko Protocol works best when used within 5 days of first symptoms, it can even keep patients out of hospitals, but hospitals can't make money without patients and to whom are they going to prescribe that useless, expensive drug that Dr. Fauci loves?  Remdesivir?

I invite you to copy the image below and paste it on paint, it has lots of resolution. It contains serious accusations... J'Accuse the FDA of corruption  that has caused 1,000,000 deaths  and J'Accuse all the press and mainstream media of co-responsibility, the people who maligned Hydroxychloroquine and tried to discredit Dr. Vladimir Zeb Zelenko, those people: Cuomo, Macron, The Oxford corrupts, the WHO, ALL of them are responsible for denying effective treatment to patients, not only denying treatment but attacking goodwill Doctors.  J'Accuse the FSMB Federation of State Medical Boards of being the enforcers of these evil policies

You People are ALL responsible for 1,000,000 deaths in the USA 

I invite you to copy the image below and paste it on paint so you can read it well, it contains lots of information.


As a matter of fact, It would be interesting and good for the country to find out how this arrangement started, it is obvious that it benefits big pharma, but they didn't get this deal for free, I'm pretty sure. To the country, it has cost more than one million lives, thousands of businesses lost, millions of jobs, an election was stolen, bitter division. Democracy and freedom have no price. inflation.  

If you want proof, watch the video "totally under control", the disloyal traitors incriminated themselves.

Juan J. Ramirez

Look what these other LIARS say:

[The image below says it all but, Click on the image for details]




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