How to Kill Cancer Cells using viruses as the killers

We need to find what virus (variant) is the best for the task AND what Zinc ionophore. The Zinc Ionophore must easily carry the Zinc inside normal cells but must be ineffective in carrying Zinc inside cancer cells. Finally, we need to find what Zinc compound is best for the purpose. I know this idea is vague but in vitro experiments can give us answers in weeks, NOT DECADES. 

What if we kill cancer cells with a virus, without damaging normal cells? 

I know this is not the way to do this but the facts are already confirmed, it is only that the interpretation IS WRONG.  Also when you see institutions like Oxford conducting trials designed to fail, The Universities of the world in complicit silence, corruption in the WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC,  Governments, well, I decided to talk. If I am saying any lie here, please let me know and I will gladly correct any error on my part.   

I heard a doctor say (on the internet) that HydroxyChloroquine is an intelligent drug because it "targets" cancer cells, well, let me try to explain what in my opinion is really happening:

1.- HydroxyChloroquine does not target any cells 

2.- HydroxyChloroquine's real value is as a Zinc Ionophore, its antiviral properties (if it has any) are not enough (they don't cut it) against Covid-19.  A Zinc ionophore for the information of Oxford and other Universities carries an Ion such as Zinc 2+ across the lipid membrane of the cell. Ivermectin by the way doesn't even allow the virus to enter the nucleus  AND WORKS GREAT IN JAPAN, INDIA, etc. :

(I need to inform Doctor Alice Shaw) 

To be continued...


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