BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority)


Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

With such a name you would believe that they are good for something and that they base their decisions on tons of data from their own research, right? (have you seen the research where they prove the Zelenko protocol is no good? Me neither) but no, they decided to disobey, insubordinate because "Trump doesn't respect science", in other words: More than one million Americans were deprived of effective treatment, The Zelenko protocol, because they hate Trump. President Trump made decisions they didn't like regarding UNRELATED SUBJECT(S)... And they call themselves Advance Research And Development (de Merde Je crois).
don't miss "totally under control"   (Hulu) and on Amazon video

It looks like I was very mad when I wrote the text on the image, maybe fed up with so many lies for freaking profit. By the way, there is space here to explain the Zelenko Protocol, BUT...not to BARDA and the FDA,  I don't think they are dumb, they are arrogant dictatorial criminals that need a good fixing (a good kick in the ass? hit them with a 2x4" behind their ears and then fire them all?). But who gives me permission to talk like that about these illustrious institutions? A) The fact that they are liars and B)
1,016,159   1,018,582 dead Americans who were denied effective treatment available since 03/21/2020 (and about 150,000 orphans)

Anyway,  Zinc is the key, it inhibits virus multiplication, but needs to be inside the cell, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) only helps the 
Zinc 2+  (it's an ion) cross the lipid membrane of the cell.

Any rigged test like the Oxford "trial" designed to fail,  will of course fail. (those genius  people accidentally proved that HCQ is not dangerous (a well-known fact anyway)

Click the link below to see the dead count:



Who should take responsibility for the more than one million deaths? 
  1. Trump who ordered the streets "flooded"  with the Zelenko Protocol?   
  2. The current resident in the White House who tolerates (or is part of?) the corruption? in the FDA, BARDA, NIH, CDC, etc. 

Have you watched the video "Totally under control"? Well, they created it to attack Trump but they 
self-incriminated. The crimes: Treason and Killing more than one million Americans. 

By knowingly and maliciously denying effective treatment to people infected with Covid-19, but that is not the worst part. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, it is still happening, Yesterday 1208 Americans died of Covid-19  of which 99% could have been saved, if you lost a loved one NOW YOU KNOW WHY, but there is more, now they (the CORRUPT FDA  and partners the CORRUPT  WHO (World Health Organization), etc. are openly against Ivermectin too, but I'll stay with the Zelenko Protocol, (this is such a mess)... for now. The Zelenko Protocol which is available since March 21, 2020, Yes, it has been there since the very beginning (Remember that date: 03/21/20

By this time Dr. Zelenko had shown 99.4% effectiveness in high-risk patients and Florida was using Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc successfully. President Trump had the information, gave the order but BARDA and the FDA blocked it (all this while pretending to help).

Thanks to this agency with a pompous name and the corrupt FDA (Food and Drug Administration) 827,272  1,006,445  03/31/22    Americans have died of covid19.

I don't even have to prove it, they testified  and proudly declare it in the Documentary "Totally under control" (Amazon videos) SEE IMAGE BELOW:

                           The guy admits everything in the documentary

I had to take a photo with my cell phone, you cannot just pause the film and do a "print screen"

It is a freaking mess!

But nobody can hide the truth for too long, I have seen so much outrage lately, how can you hide that Japan solved his problem with Ivermectin, India is doing the same, Brave Doctors are ignoring the FDA that declares that even drugs that they have approved are dangerous when used against Covid-19, that is when they compete against "the vaccine cartel", a business worth Trillions of dollars $$$. 

I started following Dr. Zelenko from the very beginning, A family doctor who never claimed to be an investigator but he is honest, intelligent, and brave. At the time I don't think he knew what a Zinc ionophore was but learns fast. He was banned from Twitter, censured by YouTube, attacked by the New York Times, and even Vanity fair, It has been so frustrating  I have not had the honor to meet dr. Zev but he is a real hero. I really hope he gets the Nobel. 


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