It Is Dumb to eat on cold plates

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This is the year 2021

Eating on cold plates is dumb

Link to share: Yes! There is a way now. Piping hot food on a piping hot plate

(No reason for getting our food cold now, especially the sick and the elder

who eat slowly) 


(share this shorter link if you wish, just Copy and Paste on your browser)

Buy #HotSmart® Plates now on Amazon.com 

Why do we eat on cold dumb plates? A legend says we are paying for a sin*

(Once upon a time a Chinese princess complained about… see below). Don’t

forget to RT 


I bet our ancestors had to lay down their meat on a stone or a crude piece

of wood,  since their  hands  couldn't withstand the heat of their hot T-bone steak,

filet mignon, dino ribs, etc. whatever on their hands, and grinding sand with their

teeth was not very nice. 

Then agriculture came because a lazy guy was told by his wife “save these seeds 

for next week,  and the guy thought “I’ll just send her to gather more, snow is not

that high yet” and tossed the seeds all around in the mud.  And as a result,

agriculture was born and they were able to settle down, nice, he thought (He

didn’t know then that with civilization come  taxes)  

Anyway, Some very old civilizations discovered that clay becomes very hardwhen near to the fire and could be shaped before getting hard so one guy startedmaking little dolls but the others were not happy of the resemblance to their wives. Then, the only single guy

of the group, Ihe one not worried with resemblances, while thinking "yeah right, I can see the archaeologists: "the venus of this, the venus of that" LOL Sylvia,

Elvira, Britney, Vanessa..." and all the other gals said Eureka! I know how we can use this

sh*t! (Britney was impressed). They made plates, cups, etc.

That was another Greek guy who said EUREKA? Well, OK, the point is: they started eating on cold plates and since then… nothing has changed, cold plates forever Plates  have been COLD for centuries

millennia actually, the silver

ones turned out to be worse getting food cold immediately and people kept insisting that the

spoon in their pocket was a simple souvenir.

But… in 2021, Why do we eat on cold, dumb plates? Is there another way? Up until the year 2000 there was no other choice, the need for a hot plate,

easy to heat up, that stays hot, until you finish your meal exists. It takes people

15 to 20 minutes to eat their hot main course so HotSmart Plates are designed to

stay hot 30 minutes or more.

By the way, there may be a connection between cold plates, obesity, type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems, believe it or not,

see link below to learn about a patented invention that will change the way you eat forever:

Eat slowly! ...see why:

“If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it”… Albert  Einstein

Preheat HotSmart Plates for ONE single minute, in the MW oven, it stays hot for one half hour, handle safely with your

bare hands while HOT.

Well, isn’t that absurd? That’s what American manufacturers said “Imposible”, however, I say:

AS CLAIMED OR YOUR MONEY BACK (3 month guarantee). on



Keeps food hot, needs only one minute preheating in MW oven, remains still hot after 30+ minutes, a delay action prevents over-cooking or overheating the food, It can be handled
safely with the bare hands and much more. 

(It gets very hot, stays hot and it is smart)
Why do people eat on cold plates? What kind of question is that? Is there a better option? Why is that relevant anyway? Ask a restaurant owner, a chef or a WLS
(Weight Loss Surgery) patient if that is relevant; the short answer to why do people eat on
cold plates is: They don’t know any better. Please RT this information

The obesity problem is strongly related; I will explain below 

Please save this link and RT

  • Ideal for geriatrics caring (The elderly).

  • Being used as medical aid (feeding aid).

  • Alzheimers

  • Parkinson’s

  • Diabetics

  • WLS

  • The sick who eat slowly

  • Seniors love them (Boomers, do you know one?)

  • A-Z guarantee


I am so grateful for this type of feedback! It makes me feel useful. The sick, elderly or people

with especial needs... Our veterans! will no longer have to eat cold bland food, and that's even when I'm gone.

(I am the inventor, myself a stroke and brain tumor survivor) Juan Ramirez.

Will you please SHARE? Thanks!

Order here 


It can be handled safely with the bare hands

(green zone)

They will be in every home when mass produced

TEEPEE 051615 A.jpg
At Restaurants:
Everybody knows that food gets cold fast if you don’t start eating immediately after your food
is served; restaurants try to solve this problem in an effort to provide a better service
by preheating normal plates, but the plates get cold in about 5 minutes anyway (along with
the food); next time you go to a restaurant see for yourself; by the way restaurants use plate warmers that waste lots of energy and money $ (They are ON all day long). Restaurants will have to use “energy saving plates” the same
way that in some countries now there is legislation to use energy saving light bulbs or they
will adopt those plates simply forced by competitors, but something needs to happen first.
* ( I started that absurd legend of course, I bet you had forgotten).
Nowadays people expect to be served on warm plates the same way they expect that
their beer is cold (It is taken for granted) but pretty soon they will expect that their
food remains warm until they finish it; expectations change with advances in
technology, I will explain below but first a little about homes
At homes:
Serving on hot plates enhances your best recipes but preheating regular plates complicates
everything (the logistics get very complicated), hot plates are difficult to handle and the results are disappointing anyway; the plates get cold fast (In about 5 minutes). People preheat plates at home only on very
special occasions (On Thanksgiving they use the residual heat in the oven) or in very cold
where it is totally necessary (They hate having to do it). By the way this is my blog   
Below safe easy practical solution for homes:

Safe easy bare hand handling while hot!
Ceramics were discovered many centuries ago (Millennia actually) but the plate has always
been just a plate -except that some of them are more beautiful than others- but functionally
NO change, NO improvement.
The need for a plate that stores heat has been recognized for some as is shown on
patent US 7,176, 426 which cites several related inventions that either failed or were not
practical (or both). 

It was time for the ceramic plate to learn a few tricks:

HotSmart® from El Paso Texas USA, just recently introduced to the market the ceramic “Heat Retentive
Plates” or HotSmart Plates (Being sold as HotSmart plates at capable of remaining still hot after ½ hour and need just one minutepre-heating time in the microwave oven and can even be handled safely with the bare hands by the
rim which does not get hot. For more information, you can simply Google Heat Retentive
plates or HotSmart plates, see the specifications at

Expectations change: 

I will explain now why Customer (Restaurant Patrons) will expect that their food remains
warm until they finish; expectations change with advances in technology; would you buy a
B&W TV? No, not only you would demand a color TV, but a digital one with the latest
technology right? and every time you go to the store you take a look at them and even start
saving for that new toy or simply surrender to the temptation, use your credit card and take
your chances that you will not lose your job soon. OK, that was a little over dramatized
but the truth is we want the best and the latest and HotSmarts are precisely that, a very affordable luxury (And excellent gift for men and women of any age;
boomers and the elder love them
I’ll ask again then: Why do people eat on cold plates? “Heat Retentive Plates” are available now,  manufactured by HotSmart® and available at To order go to:  It is only that 99% of the people don’t know about them yet and others just do not believe
there is any object (Let alone a plate) in the world capable of remaining still hot after 30+ minutes by zapping it in the microwave for only one minute. 

How to use HotSmarts:   

DWGANDHOW2USE 100614 B.jpg

HotSmart plates:
(Available in
That is the commercial name of the “Heat Retentive Plates” Invention; it describes them well
because the preheating takes only one minute and they remain still hot after ½ hour to keep 
the food warm. Please see the complete specifications:  They are actually impressive, that’s why I chose the brand name HotSmart® The plates get real hot and for a plate that had not evolved in centuries (Millennia actually)
they are also very smart (Delay action to avoid overcooking/overheating, cool rim etc. you
should really take a look at the specifications to see the ceramic plate of the 21st century.
HotSmart® plates are more expensive than normal cold plates because the quantities produced are still
small but eventually the price will go down, however people can even buy them one by one
(Free shipping ) at, and have them delivered at home.
Connection with obesity:
Eating slowly, Obesity and HotSmarts what is the connection?
Eating slowly and obesity have a connection; this is not a legend (Google “eat slowly”) OR 
Click here  
I will try to be brief, after all a plate is just a plate (Remember Casa Blanca?) or is it not?...
We eat too fast so that our food doesn’t get cold, we were trained to do that: “eat, eat or your
food will get cold” remember what our mothers used to say? But eating fast produces
overeating, gaining weight, obesity, Diabetes, hypertension, strokes, gerd, etc. We need to slow down because it takes our brain
about 20 minutes to sense that we are no longer hungry, If we eat too fast we will overeat,
our stomach will be bloated and still feel hungry; research “eat slowly sites” or go to to learn
more about the advantages of eating slowly.
Oh you do not have time to eat slowly? OK, eat fast and see how your life will be shortened.
Is this over-dramatization again? Research it yourself. Do not worry too much; this is statistical
data that may not apply to your particular case just like cigarettes apparently do not affect
many people.
Why our ancestors did not get fat? They were too busy chasing Mastodons and running away
from saber tooth tigers remember? And what about Tarzan? He spent all day at the gym
because he wanted to impress Jane right? But WE spend all day in front of these darn laptops
trying to make a living; we need to stop overeating, especially the baby boomers who are
reaching a more sedentary age in life.
And the Hot Plates (Heat Retentive Plates) what is their role in this saga?  They keep food hot, so you can eat –and enjoy- your food
slowly to avoid overeating. You will never acquire the habit of eating slowly if your food keeps
getting cold. Oh we are finally discovering the relevance of not eating on cold plates. Now
I can proceed to turn it into a new religion (just kidding, but it is important that you learn. Google
Harvard on eating slowly or any other medical society like cardiologists on eating slowly).  I found
the following practically at random:
"When people eat fast, they tend not to feel full and are more likely to overeat. Eating fast causes bigger glucose fluctuation, which can lead to insulin resistance." —Takayuki Yamaji, MD

Eat slowly > get satisfied with less food > Avoid overeating = avoid obesity > and
so on…(type 2 diabetes, hypertension)
(Of course we still need to move our butts as much as possible but some of us just can’t for
different reasons; for instance: I’m a stroke and brain tumor survivor, others because of old age, etc.)
For caregiving:
It turns out that the plates I invented (Oops! That was an involuntary giveaway of myself as
the inventor of these HotSmart® Plates.

OK, it turns out that the plates have been discovered by caregivers for the elderly,
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson and many other patients with neurological problems that cause
mobility problems, so I am very happy really that the invention is not only a luxury but it fills
a real need and it is a product long awaited for (So tell me some of the users or caregivers
rather). “My husband finally could enjoy a hot meal” (ALS patient) “These plates were a God’s
send to my father” (I believe this was an old gentleman); these are real comments I have
received by e-mail.
What needs to happen so that restaurants widely adopt these plates? (Microwave oven
manufacturers please pay close attention):
As everyone knows, nobody really cooks in the microwave oven; it is used mainly to heat up
food, pop some corn and to make instantaneous coffee. Well, guess what? There is a new
use for a microwave oven that will save lots of energy to restaurant owners; I am thinking of a large cavity MW oven
with a strong turntable and a fixture capable of preheating 4 or 6 plates at a time (If the
plates are simply stacked they do not reach the same temperature). If the US manufacturers
do not pay attention, I will simply teach anybody interested in any country (I’m currently
teaching the Chinese).
Going back to the original question why do people eat on cold plates? The answer is: I repeat
, they do not know any better, they don’t know HotSmart® plates exist. Well I can tell you this: I will never eat on cold dumb plates that get my food cold again; I
use HotSmarts for breakfast, lunch and dinner (Yes, for eggs over easy as well as for steak).
Please follow me on twitter @HotSmartfy and…RT Please; you may be helping a friend that might benefit from this invention.
Thank you.
Juan J. Ramirez
El Paso Texas

P.S. I was kind of reluctant to say this but when you serve on a plate that keeps food hot at

restaurants; people enjoying slowly may order an extra glass of wine (or drink) and this

alone will pay for the HotSmart. (and they will remember the experience of enjoying food

on a hot plate and you know: word of mouth makes wonders for restaurants).

For piping hot food: It is very simple and my favorite method

Google: HotSmart Plates

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