HotSmarts Are Patented Plates That Keep Your Food Hot While You Enjoy

But first, I have something much more important to tell you:

May 1st 2021

WHY are they so reluctant EVEN NOW to accept that the Zelenko protocol works againt Covid-19? See: 

Fortunately many doctors already know it works and many others are learning (you cannot hide the truth and pretend you are doing it to protect the people, give me a F...break). 


The USA government (is reluctant because):

It is an illegitimate government who stole the election using the Covid-19 as an excuse for the fraudulent mail-in voting. If they admit the treatment works, all you have to do is to prove since when they knew to put them in jail for treason. That is the reason they play dumb and still wear masks even when they are vaccinated (exaggerating the risks of course, but people are not stupid). 

Investors: (are reluctant because):

The vaccines and drugs business are a multi-billion business (Trillions very likely)

The Zelenko protocol costs less than $20. A 5-7 day Therapy at home, and there is also prophylaxis. Hydroxychloroquine is not a problem now, it is available and there are substitutes (Other Zinc ionophores are: Quercetin, EGCG, Hinoquitiol…), by the way, HCQ is a safe drug that was maligned using propaganda.  

 The UK (is reluctant to accept…) :

Oxford made a terrible mistake (I am not sure it was a mistake or knowingly conducted a test and as a result suspended all research on hydroxychloroquine. France banned HCQ too.

Again, Oxford conducted a test I believe it was designed to fail because it looks like they have no idea on how to use hydroxychloroquine as a Zinc Ionophore. AstraZeneca is going to build a mega plant with the help of Oxford. The conclusion was: HCQ IS neither good not bad and suspended research on HCQ. Oxford prestige cost many deaths in Europe. Newton would be outraged.

The WHO (is reluctant because):

They have been wrong all along, including basing their recommendations on studies that had to be retracted because of false data. Can you imagine the WHO saying, “Sorry, we were wrong take Quercetin and zinc sulfate” after the millions of deaths still occurring.

Trump was right but he didn’t go far enough. The FDA, NIH, CDC… are either incompetent or traitors. Fauci is an idiot too, his titles are good only to wipe my windshield, and the Democrat leaders should be in jail for treason and mass murder.

J. Ramirez



OK, having said that... this is the question you have been asking for years:  

Keeping Food Hot On Your Plate While you Enjoy it! HOW?

(Hint: there is a new hot and smart technology)

Many people can't find  HotSmart® Plates! 

I'm afraid that was my fault, I created the Dishwasher-safe version which is great! and customers kept looking for the original.

I am sorry, that was my mistake; I created a new model to emphasize the fact that they are now dishwasher-safe which is very important, but all my links take you to the regular plate that had to be washed by hand.
The new model is: HDWSP1W (available as usual on The direct link is:

You can also click the image below. Insist on HotSmarts Dishwasher-safe.

What I call the "piping hot method" works wonderfully, I use it all the time, I preheat my HotSmart for only 45 seconds and heat up my food to the desired temperature on the preheated plate, checking and turning the food often. It works perfectly even if the food was in the refrigerator. By the way, I don't eat on anything but HotSmarts, I'm in love with my "simple" invention.

You can now preheat the plates on restaurant plate warmers to 70F. The HotSmart is a mature product thanks to your feedback. An excellent Mother's Day present

Direct link to buy on 

HotSmart Plates are designed with a thermal gradient (hotter at the center and the rim does not get hot, so you can handle them safely with the bare hands 

They also have a delayed action so they don't overheat/overcook your food, those are part of the features that make it a smart plate (The hot part of the brand name will be obvious when you get your first HotSmart, I could also call it addictive but I won't, the fact is I would not eat on anything else if I can avoid it.

Performance by feature (above)

Impress your guests with plates that stay hot  Zap and Serve™ by HotSmart®

HotSmart Plate

Click image above for more information (product description)




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