OBESITY (A major concern and health problem of the 21st century) WEIGHT REDUCTION WHILE ENJOYING YOUR FOOD ? This is a very common promise made by many diets, also planning your meals is essential, exercise, etc. But a plate that might help you lose weight is unheard of, how can that be?: many dietitians recognize the fact that eating slowly, can help you getting satisfied by eating less food. Basically what happens is that the human body has two "sensors" to tell you that you have eaten enough, one in the stomach and one in the brain. The sensor in the stomach gives a sensation of fullness that sometimes is even uncomfortable, but if you are hungry enough you will override that sensor. The sensor in your brain is more effective. Have you ever tried to eat when you are not hungry?. Unfortunately , this sensor takes time to get activated, nutrients have to be absorbed on the walls of the stomach, carried by the blood to the brain and activate the sensor. To deceive the sensor