The Zelenko Protocol Explained


(Because of the simplicity of the explanation of course)

Viruses can only replicate inside the cells, they need the cell's genetic material "the virus food". What if we deny the virus food? WE STOP THE REPLICATION. It starts working in hours, it works for variants, and it cost less than $20

(After Biden's inflation I'm not sure)

An introduction (please watch): 

I admired Dr. Zelenko, his protocol saved my brother-in-law's family (we used Quercetin instead of Hydroxychloroquine).

(Share link above).

No University or institution explains this. Anyone who wants to learn, learn, especially you Oxford University, WHO, FDA, NIH, CDC. Am I saying something that is not true? Let me know so I can correct it immediately. Any questions? Get in touch @HotSmartfy

Dr. Zelenko Passed Away on June 30, 2022

A real hero

We need to know why the Zelenko Protocol was not used during the Covid 19 crisis

Why are you still against it, FDA?

The original protocol was 1, 2, and 3 inside the red rectangle (below), why? Because Dr. Zelenko, trying to get ready for Covid-19 combined what they were using in France with what they were using in Korea, and bingo! He came up with superior treatment, As simple as that. After treating hundreds of patients to validate his findings (This is important: after), he informed president Trump (He made a video, wrote a letter, talked to Rudy Giuliani, etc. NOT the other way around as some dishonest people say).

At the top (below), everything that is NOT needed IF doctors are FREE to prescribe the Zelenko Protocol (s): Therapy and Prophylaxis (Treatment and Prevention)  

(As I said above, If doctors are free) AND 

"Big pharma", the FDA, and some governors (Like Cuomo in NY) stop interfering with the supply of drugs.

Hospitals and the FSMB (Federation of State Medical Boards) stop firing threatening doctors

 State medical boards are there to prevent medical malpractice, NOT to promote it

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(Sedating patients, and putting them on respirators with no hope is euthanasia

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You don't need more beds, more hospitals, respirators... See below:

Zinc is not an antiviral? click: Well, it starves the virus

Dr. Vladimir Zeb Zelenko was banned by the old corrupt Twitter.

1 The hydroxychloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore, it carries the Zinc inside the cell

2. The Azithromycin  is an antibiotic that you may not even need if you take the treatment at home within 5 days of the first symptoms 

3. Zinc sulfate is really the active ingredient and inhibits RNA Polymerase, the DNA does not open and the virus cannot get the genetic material it needs to multiply.

Zinc is the inhibitor
 (Anything that deforms the enzymes enough would work) 

The Zelenko protocol in a nutshell is about denying the virus the genetic material it needs to replicate, in other words, it is about inhibiting enzymes (RNA polymerase). It is NOT about hydroxychloroquine, although HCQ is definitely one of the Zinc ionophores that can be used. There are several Zinc Ionophores available 

My special explanation for the University of Oxford (below):

OK, Oxford geniuses. imagine the slider of that zipper is the RNA Polymerase, it slides and opens the DNA like in the simplified image (below) but the Zinc (Zn++) an ion with two positive charges deforms the slider 

The corrupt FDA is still blocking the Zelenko Protocol, and the NIH is running a "trial" in Egypt where it will surely fail since they are giving the treatment (The Zelenko Protocol) to hospitalized patients (Too late to be really effective).  

These Pseudo trials are criminal. Oxford didn't even use Zinc. I repeat: This is criminal corruption unless you are willing to believe that Oxford (Yes, that famous University), the WHO, The FDA, The NIH, and the mainstream media are simply ignorant and stupid.

Ivermectin works too

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