I  HAVE DECIDED TO  SOLICIT. DONATIONS only if this info is helpful to you (It already is! Big Pharma will Not be able to patent something that is already public knowledge, re-post).

J. Ramirez 


I have discovered the last piece of the puzzle for CA N CER CURE

discovered the last piece of the puzzle and decided to request donations.

About 1700 people die of CANCER daily in the USA including our beautiful children.

It’s taken time and lots of frustration to discover all the CORRUPTION (besides the scientific problems)

People won’t suffer from cancer and it will be really FREE  public knowledge cannot be patented,PLEASE  RE-POST

Some cancer patients spend about $65.000 per month hand are not cured.

,I am in rehabilitation facility due to a stroke

I am still researching,

mainly Zinc, etc,


I’m in the   Hospital 

I will save billions to Texas, USA , and the world.




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