The New York Times on Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

First of all, very important information:   #Zinc (Zn 2+) treatment

Dr. Zelenko is right  DR ZELENKO 1    OXFORD 0

Oxford is wrong, they don't know how to use hydroxychloroquine as a Zinc ionophore. The assumed antiviral properties of hydroxychloroquine, either do not exist or are not effective against covid-19 and their own data proves it. It did not help and it did not have negative effects. THIS IS GOOD INFORMATION. (although about 25% of both groups died)

You can see the whole report in the WWW
(When you design a trial to fail, it will fail)

  • It did not help because they did not use Zinc which is the key element that prevents viral replication (multiplication)
  • It did not have a negative effect even though they used toxic doses (I suspect because they wanted to cause cardiac problems (Torsade de point, irregular heart beating, etc.) Oxford needed to eliminate Hydroxychloroquine (part of the Zelenko protocol) as an alternative in order to please Astra Zeneca (they have a cozy arrangement). and the people they could have saved?  Well... 1000 per day at a certain point. 
  • Big pharma was willing to pay $40,000,000 to hide for a "short"  period of time that Ivermectin also works and guess what, only 500,000 people would die.  The Bill and Melinda Gates  and The Clinton foundation were involved through other organizations they create to help people (?)
  • See what this "doctor" did for money (He was caught) 

 The truth is coming out, Japan and India are solving their problems with Ivermectin, In the US, THE CORRUPT FDA  was confiscating Ivermectin at customs  but now is available (expensive), I don't know how, but the corrupts will pay (sooner or later)

This is an alternative:

The New York Times is wrong, not only wrong but they should be ashamed of themselves, the media could have been so useful but they decided to be against the people lying censuring, and distorting information.

We have had an effective treatment against Covid-19 since March 2020, yes, you can call the treatment (The Zelenko Protocol)  experimental but when you repeat an experiment over and over and you get the same results, I think that is called science. On the other hand, when you design an experiment apparently following all the rules required but you design it to fail like the Oxford hydroxychloroquine Trial  I believe that is called fraud. And now they will test ivermectin... I have been denouncing them for a long time with no results, Did you know the BBC is corrupt too? 

The Zelenko Protocol should NOT  be tested with hospitalized patients because timing is very important, patients need to start the treatment within 5 days after the first symptoms NOT when their lungs are so infected that they require hospitalization or what is worse, a ventilator in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

Anyway, these are my comments about the NY  Times article:  

My comments are in purple (red is not working very well for me)

 Juan J. Ramirez

The Coronavirus Pandemic


This New York Times “article” is full of lies, the misleading information, and in combination with the FDA’s and other agencies corruption   has caused many deaths:  817,482 (12-11-21). In the USA


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko near one of his offices, in Monsey, N.Y. Dr. Zelenko has claimed his drug treatment cured hundreds of coronavirus patients.Credit...Bryan Derballa for The New York Times


Touting Virus Cure, ‘Simple Country Doctor’ Becomes a Right-Wing Star

Dr, Zelenko’s intentions were (and are) to save lives; by informing Trump of his finding, the president became convinced not the other way around as some liars like the NYT have claimed. They say that since Trump saw hope (a miracle cure, they say) in Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) some right-wing doctors started promoting it; that way of thinking is so low and immoral that only cynics who think and act that way can conceive it. Shame on you New York Times!

How Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s claims for his coronavirus treatment spread from a New York village all the way to President Trump.

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By Kevin Roose and Matthew Rosenberg

  • April 2, 2020

Last month, residents of Kiryas Joel, a New York village of 35,000 Hasidic Jews roughly an hour’s drive from Manhattan, began hearing about a promising treatment for the coronavirus that had been rippling through their community.

Thank you for your testimony, the Zelenko Protokol was available since March 2020 but not approved by the FDA. At this point the FDA was doing their job, later it became obvious that they are corrupt

The source was Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, 46, a mild-mannered family doctor with offices near the village. Since early March, his clinics had treated people with coronavirus-like symptoms, and he had developed an experimental treatment consisting of an antimalarial medication called hydroxychloroquine, the antibiotic azithromycin, and zinc sulfate.

·        Hydroxychloroquine turned out to be an excellent Zinc Ionophore useful to carry the Zinc inside the cell, I don’t think Dr. Zelenko knew it at the time but he knew his cocktail  as it was called at the time) worked, saved lives

·        Zinc inhibits RNA Polymerase which opens the DNA to be transcribed; if DNA doesn’t open the virus can’t get the genetic material it needs to replicate (This is the Zelenko effect)

·        Azithromycin prevents bacterial infection


After testing this three-drug cocktail on hundreds of patients, some of whom had only mild or moderate symptoms when they arrived, Dr. Zelenko claimed that 100 percent of them had survived the virus with no hospitalizations and no need for a ventilator.

“I’m seeing tremendous positive results,” he said in a March 21 video, which was addressed to President Trump and eventually posted to YouTube and Facebook. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter censured Dr. Zelenko and are responsible as well as the New York Times for 818,000 deaths (Dec 11, 2021).

Update: 889,197 DEATHS 01/24/22 see for yourself worldometer  I noticed that the NY Times is lying ALSO in their chart, so, I use "worldometer" for the total deaths 


Continue reading the main story

What happened next is a modern pandemic parable that illustrates how the coronavirus is colliding with our fragile information ecosystem: a jumble of facts, falsehoods and viral rumors patched together from Twitter threads and shards of online news, amplified by armchair experts and professional partisans and pumped through the warp-speed accelerator of social media.

You forgot to mention common citizens that took the time to learn the truth and will be proven right. The Zelenko Protocol (that cocktail) works and there is proof as well as a scientific explanation of why it works (you also forgot to include yourselves in the group that prints and spreads falsehoods).

The facts are that Dr. Zelenko without being an investigator trying to prepare himself checked what was kind of working in South Korea and France and came up with a treatment that worked; informed president Trump. Trump with that evidence ordered the streets to be flooded with the drugs making them available NOT OBLIGATORY. 

BARDA and the FDA, decided to disobey Trump because "He did not respect science"  (stupid SOBs) and concocted a EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) that in reality didn't authorize shit since the Zelenko Protocol works best in an outpatient setting. If you wait to treat the patients when they are in the hospital, it may be too late


THE FDA (Marketing department for Big Pharma) Tweeted:

"Don't use Ivermectin, you are not a horse" with great success in what I call "The vaccine marketing department, and they were very amused while your dear one was dying in the hospital unable to see you.  Ask Dr. Joseph Varon @joevaron  in Houston if Ivermectin works 

I have so much crap on the CORRUPT FDA  that it would take forever to load. Any DECENT newspaper interested? get in touch! @hotsmartfy (Tweeter) @hotsmart (gab) @juan_j_ramirez (GETTR)

J'Accuse the #FDA of banning effective treatments for #COVID19
Hydroxychloroquine (Zinc Ionophore in the Zelenko Protocol) and Ivermectin, with no other justification, that "We have not approved them and with the sole purpose of benefiting Pfizer and other "big pharma" companies and with total disregard for the lives of the American people, the people they are supposed to protect. I demand an investigation and the dissolution of that partnership between big pharma the regulated party and the FDA, the regulators. That huge conflict of interest needs to be terminated immediately. Please forward to the @POTUS  







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