MY NOTES ON COVID -19... by J. Ramirez 03/28/2022

 This is why these notes  are useful and interesting:

Updated 12/17/21  Total deaths in the USA: 

825,542   The FDA is killing your loved ones

I very early discovered that most doctors did not have any idea about how to treat Covid-19, and the ones who after two years have learned, have their hands tied because the FDA, hospitals, big pharma, and some politicians don't care if you or your loved ones die as long as they make money.

I discovered to my surprise that among three prestigious universities in the U.S. only Yale seemed to know what they were doing but the Zelenko Protocol was used too late to be effective. In the U.K.  Oxford ran a "trial" that could not possibly succeed using toxic doses of Hydroxychloroquine, HCQ (The Zinc ionophore that carries the Zinc inside the cell) but no Zinc, and they teach "Molecular Biology" WOW!  They killed about 25% of both groups and stopped research on HCQ. They still ignore that it is Zinc that does the job, not the Zinc ionophore that carries the Zinc inside the cell. Why stop research? 

In France Macron banned HCQ  with horrible results, nurses quit scared and people died, and stayed on their beds for days. Canada was another similar situation. Some doctors had a piece of the puzzle and others a different piece (I don't blame them). Some were anxious to hide what they knew, I believe this is the case of Oxford in the UK, they designed their "trial" to fail (I believe that).

Even Doctor Perrone who is really an eminence, honest and well-intentioned, is the opposite of Fauci (in my opinion) when asked for his advice, he suggested removing people with conflicts of interest from decision-making positions and stockpiling  Azithromycin, vitamin D3, and maybe Zinc...  MAYBE ZINC?  Zinc inhibits RNAP denying genetic material to the virus to multiply, what I call "The Zelenko effect" Zinc gets the job done

These are my notes (I will try to make some sense out of them):

  1. At the very beginning, Doctors did not know anything, there is no treatment you would hear everywhere, we need ventilators! Stay home, take Tylenol, and if you get worse we send you to the hospital. And then? I asked... In the hospital, they will decide how to treat you... No way I thought, by then I had watched the disaster at Elmhurst hospital in Queens and realized how lost hospitals were although not that lost from the business point of view, they were just processing people and collecting. If you were not sick, no problem, you'd get sick courtesy of the house, a brave nurse denounced that (Google "Erin Marie Olszewsky")    

Zinc is the key.- This is the most important statement since Zn2+ (an Ion with two positive charges) inhibits RNA Polymerase, the DNA does not open and the virus can't get the genetic material it needs to multiply. This is very important because it should work against all variants (I call it the Zelenko effect in honor of Doctor Discoverer/creator of the Zelenko Protocol

The left hates Hydroxychloroquine because first of all it works (if you use it in combination with Zinc) and Covid-19 is an excellent pretext for the mail-in voting fraud where even dead people vote; also, they have been brainwashed to relate it to Trump and they hate Trump. President Trump ordered to flood the streets with the Zelenko Protocol because he had the information to make that decision but was blocked by traitors  as they confess in the video "Everything under control"

The idiot above, BARDA, the FDA, NIH, etc.  (Corrupt institutions) are responsible for more than 800,000 deaths in the US. Denounce them @US_FDA  if you want this to stop. Send a copy to @POTUS  (just so he can't say he didn't know)

Open Message To The FDA And The People  Of  The USA 


Social media decided to censure anything they want, TV networks attack, Newspapers that used to be trustworthy (like the New York Times) became propaganda, saying and printing lies and at the same time accusing others of doing precisely what they themselves were doing, a total mess so frustrating but the truth is coming out unfortunately after almost  820,000 deaths and terrible damages, when you think of all the people who died alone in a hospital without ever again seeing their loved ones it is really sad. and the worst thing is that it is STILL HAPPENING, WHY?  We have treatments available that keep people OUT OF THE HOSPITAL but that is no good for business

To be continued...

03/28/2022 Update




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