Zinc inhibits the RNAP (RNA Polymerase) which acts like the slider of a zipper opening the DNA for transcription, translation, and finally replication of the virus. If the slider gets stuck (deformed in some way), the DNA DOES NOT OPEN denying the virus the genetic material it needs to replicate, this is known as the Zelenko effect, Google it!

See for yourself  how many people had died of Covid-19  at the date the Zelenko Protocol was announced March 21st 2020: 

Now see how many Americans have died so far (and counting)

Simplified image, the yellow area represents the RNAP which opens the DNA for transcription, the Zinc2+ an ion with two positive charges, somehow distorts the RNAP or its function stopping the transcription which is the first step of replication/multiplication of the virus. It is important to know that Zinc is the one that causes this "Zelenko Effect" and not the Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) which is the "Zinc Ionophore". The Zinc Ionophore grabs the Zinc and gets it inside the cell through the lipid (fatty) membrane
There are fortunately other ionophores available that can replace HCQ in case this is not available. Sorry "big pharma" you will have to start maligning: Quercetin, QCT; EGCG, Hinokitiol, etc.

I wonder why the Hydroxychloroquine manufacturers did not protest? Who are they? Who owns them?

The "key" is Zinc (Zinc sulfate in this case), it inhibits RNA Polymerase, transcription, etc. It must always be used in combination with a Zinc Ionophore like Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin, EGCG, Hinokitiol, etc. The Oxford trial did NOT include Zinc. You need to treat patients within 5 days, "The golden window is 72 Hrs. after the first symptoms NOT when the patient is in the hospital.

Juan J. Ramirez
Industrial Engineer


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