Zinc is the key against Covid 19 (There is no Hydroxychloroquine treatment, OK?)

 Oxford, NIH, FDA, CDC let's try this for the last time, there is nothing

called Hydroxychloroquine treatment, ok? 

Oxford, the key is Zinc, not Hydroxychloroquine, OK? Do you want me to go over there and hit you behind the ears with a 2x4"?  

I heard now you are saying that Ivermectin does not work; are you dumb or what?

Zinc inhibits the virus replication

This is a well-known fact, Google it! ask experts, your doctor...

Zinc is the key against Covid 19, it inhibits virus replication/multiplication.

Does zinc create antibodies? Not really, it holds the line, keeps e enemy from multiplying while our body using a mechanism that only God knows creates them.

The question is how do we get it (the zinc) inside the cell which is the place were the replication takes place since the virus uses the genetic material of the cell to multiply hundreds of thousands of times: 10 EXP 5 (there is an error below, 1 EXP 5 is still one of course). The answer is: We need a zinc ionophore to help the zinc cross the cell membrane. 

The biggest mistake in practically all studies (tests) is to try to use hydroxychloroquine HCQ alone (by itself); it does not work that way


1. To this1000 people give HCQ

2. To this 1000 people  give a placebo

The results were disastrous 25%  of both groups died. Something like that happened in the UK, and the UK stopped testing hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

If you don't believe me, ask this guy PH D MD (Apparently the "Fauci" of the UK and member of the Royal Society of "Je ne sais quoi" and... whatever else  but either he doesn't know shit or he is a corrupt SOB.

I have lost so much respect for politicians, scientists, and regulatory agencies...

Doctor Zelenko had the answer from the very beginning. Pay attention to him:


https://bit.ly/ZProphylaxis  (prevention)

https://bit.ly/ZProtocol  #ZelenKoProtocol (therapeutics) CURE! $20, 5-day oral treatment


I have no relation with Dr. Zelenko. I am simply convinced that he has been right all along and that hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved if instead of defaming him and maligning a safe drug we had paid attention to him. 

May 1st 2021

Why are they so reluctant EVEN NOW to accept that the Zelenko protocol  works againt Covid-19? See: VladimirZelenkoMD.com Fortunatelly many doctors already know it works and others are learning.


The USA government (is reluctant because):

It is an illegitimate government who stole the election using the Covid-19 as an excuse for the fraudulent mail-in voting. If they admit the treatment works, all you have to do is to prove since when they knew to put them in jail for treason. That is the reason they play dumb and still wear masks even when they are vaccinated (exaggerating the risks of course, but people are not stupid).



Investors: (are reluctant because):

The vaccines and drugs business are a multi-billions business (Trillions very likely)

The Zelenko protocol costs less than $20. A 7 day Therapy at home, and there is also a prophylaxis. Hydroxychloroquine is not a problem now, it is available and there are substitutes (Other Zinc ionophores are: Quercetin, EGCG, Hinoquitiol…), by the way, HCQ is a safe drug that was maligned using propaganda.  


The UK (is reluctant to accept…) :

Oxford made a terrible mistake (I am not sure it was a mistake or knowingly conducted a test and as a result suspended all research on hydroxychloroquine.

The WHO (is reluctant because):

They have been wrong all along, including basing their recommendations on studies that had to be retracted because of false data. Can you imagine the WHO saying, “Sorry, we were wrong. take Quercetin and zinc sulfate” after the millions of deaths? 

Trump was right but he didn’t go far enough (Well, he gave the order to flood the streets with the Zelenko Protocol what else he could do with so many traitors in key positions?...). The FDA, NIH, CDC, FSMB… are either incompetent or traitors. Fauci is an idiot too and the Democrat leaders should be in jail for treason and mass murder (for the record). In the final analysis the ultimate responsibility for this disaster is Joe Biden. Biden bets on vaccines, and vaccines are usually good but this one is experimental and they have lied to us and hidden information about adverse effects (CDC). 




J. Ramirez







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Below it should read: 10 EXP 5 of course, sorry.


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