HotSmart ceramic plates from CHINA


Production Samples are being made in CHINA



Juan J. Ramirez

10637 Edgemere, E6

El Paso TX 79925

1-(915) 599-1777

For Immediate Release

TEXAN start up BRAND getting ready to sell ceramic plates in CHINA.

They are not normal plates though, these InstaHot™ Heat Retentive Plates (HRPs) by HotSmart® are the only ones in the history of the ceramic plate (in the entire world) that really keep your dinner hot. The Chinese (PRC) patent application has been published:

CN 101142855 A, patented in USA Patent: US 7,176,526, also Patent Pending in CANADA: 2,602,159

The plate requires only one minute preheating time (1:15min. recommended for steak) in a microwave oven, the rim remains cool for safe handling with your bare hands.

BELOW: Just a sketch, the plates will as nice as any other plate presently in the market today.

This is the first functional design change to a ceramic plate in thousands of years, most plates have always been round , flat and boring, the inventor thought it was time the ceramic plate learned a new trick: keep your food hot while you enjoy it. It keeps your sea food hot, excellent for Mexican, Chinese food, Steak etc.

Manufacturers in CHINA are already expressing interest, the reaction from the public at trade shows in Atlanta and Chicago where working prototypes were shown was overwhelmingly positive according to the inventor’s agent as well as the reaction from all people who have seen and used the prototypes in El Paso TEXAS.

The plate was also mentioned in the March 2008 issue of POPULAR SCIENCE MAGAZINE, in the USA consumers are waiting for the products (There are also coffee mugs that keep your coffee hot to the last sip without overheating it and much more).

The working principle is based on a low cost, “low tech” (Also patent pending) microwave-absorbing material developed specially for this purpose by the inventor and a clever simple design using the Stefan-Boltzmann law for radiation of black bodies.

All information can be found at and http://www.HotsmartUSA,com (this last website has links to supportive documentation on potential market size and teaches how it works and how to manufacture).



Juan J. Ramirez

10637 Edgemere, E6

El Paso TX, USA



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