The FDA taken to court, lied about Ivermectin The cure for CANCER IS HERE  The #ZelenkoProtocol  

They basically lie about everything that might affect sales of the useless, murderous, EXPERIMENTAL “vaccines”.

I have a surprise for the FDA and Big Pharma 

It has been in front of your noses all he time 

This confirms what I say

We could have saved 1,049,274 American lives using the Zelenko Protocol click here  (1,172,000 to date).

We can still use it, it is safer than experimental vaccines

Last interview with doctor Zelenko

The Zelenko Protocol explained   

  Important, you won't trust it or use it if you don't understand it, the WHO, and the FDA among many others have spread so much disinformation about Dr. Zelenko and his treatment that you may not believe what I'm saying, however, I consider my duty to inform you because this info may save your life and it can't hurt you (consult your physician). 

Original protocol:

They banned HCQ, a safe drug (obviously in the correct dose), and they also banned Ivermectin (it also works and it's inexpensive).

To avoid problems I came up with this version: 

(Now we know there are many Zinc Ionophores available apart from HCQ


No prescription or authorization of the corrupt FDA required!

To prevent cancer take your recommended Zinc daily with Quercetin. Consult your physician, BUT be aware that there is a couple of generations educated in corrupt universities “funded” by big pharma. The regulatory agencies, the media, medical boards etc. need to be dragged to court and justice be served. This is THE worst case of corruption in the history of the world… do you know any worse case?

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