
Showing posts from April, 2010

HotSmart Gourmet Plates are smart applications of the laws of Thermodynamics

HotSmart Gourmet Plates Formula for heat conduction Everything conspires (not a conspiracy theory but  the laws of thermodynamics ) for your food to get cold on the plate: The plate is cool or even cold in some places on the earth Heat is conducted from your hot food to your cold plates    your food also radiates heat into the air, (that's a different formula)  And to explain how HotSmart Plates   store enough heat in one single minute to remain still hot after 30 minutes to keep your food warm? and yet you can handle them with your bare hands is a long story...Trust me; they work as described on the specifications (Link below). AS CLAIMED OR YOUR MONEY BACK  on   0  I know this is an odd way to explain a Gourmet Plate , but Hot S mart Plates are different to all other plates in the world in functionality ; they keep food warm, hot, or even piping hot for full enjoyment, see the specifications Gourmet Plates Drawing of a Hot S mart Gourmet Plate www.Hotsm

HotSmart plates that keep food warm; the best invention since sliced bread

Plates that keep food warm Gourmet Plates Hot S mart , our goal is: 4-8 units for every household with a microwave oven: 100 million households in the USA alone  Use them only once, like For Thanks Giving dinner or any other formal dinner (especial occasion) when you want to enjoy and impress your guests or simply to enjoy your steak ; and you will be glad you have them; but H ot S marts are designed for daily use, they can be handled safely with the bare hands by the rim which does not get hot Please see the specifications Hot S marts stay still hot after 30 minutes to keep your food warm and they need only one minute preheating in the microwave oven. Follow me on twitter @HotSmart   find out if I succeed on convincing every home in the USA that they should have 4-8 Hot S marts at home; actually people are telling their friends and relatives, that is called "word of mouth marketing" and can only succeed if the product is really good. HotSmart pla

Why you should eat slower

Why you should eat slower? First of all: You can lose weight by eating slowly   There are so many reasons to eat slower that all you have to do is to Google "eating slowly" and you will find out many many benefits, among them: it prevents overeating and obesity ; this is not a theory and has a very simple explanation: It takes our brain about 20 minutes to "sense" that we have satisfied our hunger; please see:   however eating slowly is not a simple decision or a New Years resolution but a habit that needs to be acquired; there are even gourmet plates especially designed to store heat "Plates for Eating slowly"   capable of remaining hot for more than 30 minutes to keep food warm; this makes eating slowly a pleasant experience that is stored in our brain and after a few repetitions we acquire the habit. It is so obvious that if our food gets cold because we eat slower we will not want to do it again. Specifications