
Showing posts from November, 2009

Slow down your eating

The fork down technique works but you need to take at least 20 minutes . the article suggests a shorter time (5- 10 minutes is additional time required) Most people agrees now that the brain needs about 20 minutes to get the "Not hungry anymore signal". also, use a "heat retentive plate" or your food will get cold when you eat slower. You need a hot plate (Hot dish; do not confuse them with electric "hot plates") Slow down your eating link -----

Plates for Eating Slowly

what is a "plate for eating slowly" and why "eat slowly"?: It is simply a plate for keeping food hot or a plate for keeping food warm that allows eating slowly while keeping the food from getting cold. Eating slowly is a very healthy habit that prevents overeating and even helps losing weight. Eating slowly is not a simple decision but a habit that needs to be acquired with practice;we need to make eating slowly a pleasant experience or we will never acquire the habit, and if food gets cold that is not going to happen. We need a plate to keep food warm   Fortunately there are now plates for eating slowly that have been on the market for only a few months. We invite you to Google "Plates for keeping food hot" and compare the Hot S mart option with the rest, that's how confident we are. Also see: For technical information: -----

HotSmart plates are easy to use

STEPS: Preheat one minute in microwave oven (Handle with the bare hands) Serve hot food as usual ?... There is no step number 3; eat slowly and enjoy (I can even take care of this for you). -----

Control Your Eating - wikiHow

Control Your Eating - wikiHow A simple procedure to avoid overeating; see also my invention for keeping food hot: Plates for keeping food hot -----

Plates to keep food warm at the table

Would you search the internet for plates for keeping food hot? I was making a big mistake; nobody thinks that's possible, ok, then lets call them plates for keeping food warm. HotSmart plates remain still hot after 30 minutes , need just one minute preheating in a full size microwave oven (1200 Watts) and can even be handled safely with the bare hands by the rim which does not get hot. See also: Patients with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) or weight loss surgery (WLS) can use them to keep food warm. -----

HotSmart: Hot Plates for slow eaters

HotSmart: Plates for slow eaters Images Eat slowly to avoid overeating and obesity My invention (Squidoo lens) -----

Hot Plates for slow eaters

HotSmart Hot Plates  Some people eat slowly because they have to, like weight loss surgery (WLS) patients, sick people, people with mobility problems, etc. but some other people just chose to eat slowly because they like to enjoy their food. Now that I think about it... Do you know any fat slow eaters ? there must be a few but slow eaters in general are thin. Google "Eating slowly" HotSmart plates help you get the habit of eating slowly by making it a pleasant experience; they keep food hot   Eat slowly site RELATED LINKS: My invention (Squedoo lens) ----- TESTING SOFTWARE FOR MARKETING HOTSMART PLATES ---

Keep Food Hot at the Table - wikiHow

Keep Food Hot at the Table - wikiHow

How to keep food hot on the plate

How to keep food hot on the plate There are ways to keep food hot or warm but ...once the food is on the plate forget it; it will get cold. Even if you preheat the plate both plate and food will get cold in about 5 minutes unless you use HotSmart plates . Hotsmart plates store heat and release it slowly to keep the food from getting cold. HotSmart plates actually reach maximum temperature in about 6 or 7 minutes after taking them out of the microwave oven. The process is very simple: Preheat the plate and serve the hot food as usual; the plates can be handled with the bare hands, click here to see how simple it is. -----

Obesity in the USA; eating slowly can help

Awareness about obesity problems is increasing, we are the world champions; also more and more people are convinced that eating slowly is good to avoid overeating and thus prevent gaining wait but there are a few obstacles to eating slowly: We are not trained to eat slowly and we are trained to clean the plate (Finish the food) We do not have time for eating slowly or do we? Eating slowly is not a simple decision but a habit to be acquired and reinforced by making eating slowly a pleasant experience The food gets cold; we need to keep food hot I will address each question individually, but for now, I'm tired... -----

Keeping food hot at the table

I check the internet daily for "keeping food hot" ; and the most practical way to keep food hot at the table -on the plate- is using hotSmart plates , they are ceramic plates capable of remaining hot for 30 minutes + (your hand will hardly withstand the heat), so that is hot, not warm. The plates are designed to keep food hot and it is the first functional change to the ceramic plate in centuries. By the way, they need only one minute preheating in the microwave oven and can even be handled safely by the rim with the bare hands. The rim does not get hot. Will you please Google "keeping food hot at the table" and let me know if there is anything better ? I need to stay ahead of my competitors. -----