The Key to stop Covid-19 is Zinc (simplified for the New York Times and Oxford) If you get the RNA Polymerase to get stuck (like the authorization of early treatments in the FDA, or like a " zipper's slider" , the DNA WON'T OPEN, see the VIDEO (Zinc 2+ inhibits RNA Polymerase and transcription, translation, replication of the virus) The Zelenko Protocol has been available since 03/21/20 , discovered by Doctor Vladimir Zeb Zelenko in New York (This is a date important to remember), we had not reached even 100 deaths yet. Dr. Zev immediately communicated his discovery to President Trump. He had treated a few hundred people with excellent results, > 99% success rate Zinc is the key against Covid-19! Why? It stops the whole replication process of the virus Don't miss this extraordinary video: The Sars-CoV-2 virus cannot replicate outside the cell because it needs the genetic material of the cell. It "hijacks" the genetic material to replicate...